I recently got an up vote on a rather old answer of mine. I took a moment to read it since I'd forgotten what it said, and promptly discovered it made nearly no sense (the animated gifs made it usable, but it wasn't great). Naturally I promptly repaired it, but this made my realize how unpolished and poor some of my old answers were.
I thought now, as many users are getting onto their first year and our site is graduating, it would be a good time to look back and clean up some old content and see just how much we have learnt.
Lets go back and clean up, clarify and correct old answers that we wrote. Of course you should correct any answer that isn't up to scratch, but lets specifically go out of our way to fix our own content.
Please post your changes here, one answer per person (use edits), so we can see how much is being done, and help motivate ourselves, since seeing other people's contributions is very inspiring, as well as getting some recognition.