Documentation = [Manual 2.6]( [Blender Wiki]( [Python API 2.6]( Tutorials = [Tutorial on official site]( [Noob to Pro]( [Blender Cookie]( ([Jonathan Williamson]( [Blender Guru]( [Blender Nerd]( ([Greg Zaal]( [Blender Modifier Series]( [Spastic Kangaroo]( Python - [Python basic]( [Scripting]( [wiki]( [Blender Scripting blogspot]( [Blender Sushi]( Blog with many python scripts Resources = [Blend Swap]( - free blender meshes, materials, and whatnot [CG Textures]( - free textures [Blender Artist]( - Blender forum to showcase and get feedback on Blender art.