We recently entered public beta and while it's still very early, our stats are a bit lacking compared to what they could be, they could at least correlate with the number of users. At the time of writing Area51 is reporting.
173 visits/day
This site has amazing potential for becoming The Blender Resource. It's fresh and is a refreshing take from IRC and confusing threads in forums. We need everyone to start help promoting the site. This site is geared towards anyone who uses Blender, be it a professional, enthusiast or complete beginner.
Taken from my answer on How can we ensure Blender.SE doesn't share 3DGraphics.SE's fate?
There are several variables involved but the major one is publicity. Even in our commitment phase which took nearly a year, I myself had no idea of it until I randomly stumbled across it. What we need is publicity. IIRC every Blender release totals around at least 200k downloads which means that there are lots of people out there, people who want to learn.
Some of us have the resources but lack the general know how to go about it.
Several users have already pledged to helping to promote this site to their fanbase or specific community. This is a good start, users like Jonathan Williamson from BlenderCooke and CharlesL from TheSpasticKangaroo on Youtube. You might not be as popular as them but every bit counts.
Let's make this a great community. We are already doing very well with over 100 questions and over 200 answers!
All that being said, What are some good ways that we can actively promote our community and spread the word about this site?