Given the recent announcement Sites can now request to enable a banner to warn about their policy on AI-generated content and given our stance in Should posts generated with the help of AI be marked as AI-generated content? and How to warn users about AI generated content?, it seems likely to me that we'd appreciate "a reduction in posts flagged for AI-generated content". (Happily, we haven't yet seen a large number of such posts).
I'll put two "voting" posts as Answers, one for each of the "yes" options:
**Reminder**: Answers generated by Artificial Intelligence tools are not allowed on [Site Name]. Learn more
**Reminder**: Answers generated by Artificial Intelligence tools must be cited on [Site Name]. Learn more
... but please add a separate Answer if you disagree with this idea for any reason!
The banner would then appear exactly at the point where it would be necessary to inform potential AI posters about how things (should) work here: