I am wondering...
Regarding this question, our reaction is first, to ask about more precision, etc., then to close it (and for now maintain it closed despite the edit by the OP).
Regarding this other one, let's say, we have a neutral reaction.
Objectively, I don't see why. For both :
- Question about a method or how to
- No real proof of an attempt to have done or tried anything
- Based on a simple internet image
Surely the second one needs much more technics (or addon or work...) than the first one. But is that the reason ?
My own reaction was for the first to think "... again more or less a 'simple' modeling task" and for the second one "... interesting, I am curious to see an answer for that". But I really think, my reaction is very subjective and not so good indeed.
Finally, one can still be answered and not the other one... fair / unfair, justified / not justified ?
What is your opinion ?