I find that there seems to be a misunderstanding among many users of this site about how voting posts up/down should work. In my mind a question should be upvoted if it is clear and fits within our scope. An answer should be upvoted if it is clear and makes an honest attempt at answering the question based on the information given. Though this is my opinion I have based it on this post on global meta. Please correct me if I have misinterpreted anything.
However I seem to get the feeling that many users, I think especially those coming from other forums, seem to think you upvote a post if you personally like the content or were helped by it. I believe this is what favoriting a question is for, upvoting is more broad.
What gives me this feeling is that when I periodically go through the unanswered questions list I often find a few of them have (often multiple) perfectly good answers with no upvotes, even though the question has had fair number of views. I have taken many questions off the unanswered list by just upvoting a good answer. Don't get me wrong, I don't upvote answers just to get questions off the list, I am talking about perfectly good answers which have little to no upvotes.
I also occasionally get slightly frustrated when one of my own answers goes without any votes even though it answers the question. I have noticed this happening more frequently in the past few months too.
Am I just imagining this or has anyone else noticed this? Is there anything we can do to educate users more about voting and encourage people to vote more frequently?
This seems to be becoming a bigger problem as our site grows. I seem to have been seeing a lot of good posts lately without any votes (until I add mine). I think with the the uptick in overall activity, posts are getting pushed quickly down the homepage with little to no views, let alone votes. (I also can't help but notice this on my own posts as well.)