When I posted an answer for someones question:
It got edited and these key box's were added.
They look nifty, but because I'm new, I don't know how to add them.
Could someone clarify please?
When I posted an answer for someones question:
It got edited and these key box's were added.
They look nifty, but because I'm new, I don't know how to add them.
Could someone clarify please?
Those are simply kbd tags, defined in the html spec, and styled as such on SE.
Here is an example usage:
When you really messed up, press AA then DeleteEnter.
This is how the sage advice looks in code view:
When you really messed up, press <kbd>A</kbd><kbd>A</kbd> then <kbd>Delete</kbd><kbd>Enter</kbd>
For more detail on how to format the kbd tags see this answer.
There are also user created scripts to make adding the <kbd>
tags easier.
It's sooo annoying to type those kbd tags though. If one is on Windows, one can use a simple AHK script:
SendMode Input
a := Clipboard
send ^c
sleep 100
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, + , %A_Space%</kbd> + <kbd>%A_Space%, ReplaceAll
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, -> , %A_Space%</kbd> -> <kbd>%A_Space%, ReplaceAll
StringUpper, Clipboard, Clipboard, T
Clipboard = <kbd>%A_Space%%Clipboard%%A_Space%</kbd>
sleep 100
Send ^v
sleep 200
Clipboard := a
So if that AHK script(text file with .ahk exxtension) is in shell:startup
(one could copy-paste that to Windows Run menu( Winlogo + R )) folder and starts with Windows, one can simply select some text like "a->ctrl+b" and hit Winlogo + K to get " A -> Ctrl + B "
AHK needs to be installed.
. If you get tired of typing<kbd>
, there is a userscript which adds a button to insert them automatically: meta.blender.stackexchange.com/q/388/599 $\endgroup$